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We share only the newest GVIDO reviews! Here you can find the opinions around GVIDO 13.3 Music Reader. Is this product worth to buy? See below.
GVIDO Reviews:
Name/Nickname: Mike
This Device is amazing, just the option of being able to turn the pages using the Pedal is enough to convince me. Love it <3
Name/Nickname: Ellie
Name/Nickname: Bill
Name/Nickname: JesMust have a product for any professional musician. When you try this device you will love this.
Name/Nickname: Susan
Name/Nickname: DougOrdered. I cant wait to get one myself. I think it will really be a big improvement. Very cool!
Name/Nickname: Victoria
Name/Nickname: StephanieThis tablet looks and works fantastic – and yes pricey, but I’m sure it’s totally worth the price.
Name/Nickname: DarrenYeah! It’s cost a lot of money, but if you’re a professional musician it’s worth it.

Name/Nickname: MikaIt is great to use a high quality product with high price tag, when most things are going towards as cheap as possible. Though there is no way I can afford this, we need a variety of things, to keep high quality stuff around!
Name/Nickname: MikeIt’s a wonderful idea! I am looking for such hardware since years. Now I am happy owner of GVIDO 13.3 Dual Screen Music Reader.
Name/Nickname: BenThis device have anything what I need.I am able to insert and check bookmarks (for quick access to movements in a sonata or concerto). I have the ability to access a page or two before a repeat, or another page after a coda sign is presented in scores.
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